Why Playing around with 3D scanning tools has always been my source of fun, igniting my interest in 3D design and animation. Naturally, I…
To further refine my expertise in Figma and Design Systems, I proactively crafted a comprehensive design system for crafft.ch, which entailed crafting the asset…
At Crafft, I revitalized their dormant social media presence. Leveraging my skills as a Social Media Manager, I developed innovative concepts and strategies. My…
Print and Brand design (With Christa Bühler): For the Baugenossenschaft Frohheim, I was part of the print and brand design team. This involved creating…
Design and brand ideation (With Christa Bühler) I had the exciting opportunity to work on the project «Kunst aus Zürich,» a Pop-Up space created…
Print Design: «Update» magazine for BETONSUISSE I refined the existing design of the «Update» magazine for BETONSUISSE. To alleviate the weight of the highly…